The Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO (TLNCU) launched a booklet and video tebe of traditional Timor Leste from the seven municipalities, namely Ermera, Ainaro, Aileu, Lautem, Viqueque, Baucau, and Liquica. This activity was carried out in the village of Eraulo, Olopana municipality of Ermera, and received support from UNESCO Paris and worked together with TLNCU.

This is a program by UNESCO Paris that preserves immaterial cultural heritage. Through the work of the TLNCU Culture Division, it is possible to preserve the traditional tebe in Timor-Leste. The traditional tebe in the municipality have been in place since then and are now being added to the new generations to follow the ones that are stored for them so that the experts do not lose their experience in making documentation such as books and videos. The meaning of traditional tebe is almost the same as in the municipality (7), which is usually used to receive a bath, build a traditional house, do a job like thresh rice and fai batar, and always use the tebe.

The Excellency, Secretary of State for Arts and Culture, Mr. Jorge Soares Cristavão, said that this government greatly appreciates through the services of line ministries and TLNCU experts to identify the assets that we can preserve, we continue to register with UNESCO, taking into account the identity of the world from the beginning of our ancestors. This is why, with this documentation, we work at the international level to promote the preservation of our traditional identity.

The objective of protecting traditional Timor Leste is not to lose it through bookkeeping and video documentation so that new generations do not forget the culture of the tebe that their grandparents keep for the new generations to see, follow, and preserve the culture of the tebe Timor.

The activity was attended by Excellency the Secretary of State for Arts and Culture, the Executive Secretary of the TLNCU, the representative of the President of the Ermera Authority, the administrator of the post letefoho, the police commander of the post letefoho, the focal point of the Ermera culture, the local authorities of the village chiefs, elderly or traditional leader, students, and communities.


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