The Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO (TLNCU) organizes online training conducted by SMILE GROUP Yogyakarta Indonesia during 27-28 April 2023 day (2) at Jelvilla Hall Dili Timor Leste with the topic Strengthening the concept of Global Citizenship Education for teachers from ASPnet schools in Timor-Leste in Tetun that Strengthen the concept of Global Citizenship Education for teachers from ASPnet schools in Timor-Leste.
The training is a continuation of the second in the past that has conducted such training but with a different topic.
This training was conducted only through an online Zoom meeting given by the teacher, Dr. Tjahjono Widijanto, Mp.D., from SMILE GROUP Yogyakarta Indonesia and Team. Although the training is online, the participants feel happy and grateful because they can get the opportunity to attend this training, strengthening the concept of education and increasing the capacity of teachers in education. The lessons learned from this training they will apply teaching in school. These participants are school directors and teachers from the municipality and some in Dili.
The objective of the training is to strengthen the concept of Global Citizenship Education for teachers from ASPnet schools in Timor-Leste and increase the capacity of teachers to help them face any problems during teaching in school and ensure quality education for students.
Participated by the Interim Executive Secretary (TLNCU), Director SMILE GROUP Yogyakarta Indonesia, Director, and Teachers. This activity was supported by UNESCO Paris through the Service of the Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO (TLNCU).