Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO, together with all members of the Komité Nasionál Patrimóniu Kulturál Imateriál Timor-Leste (KOMNAS PKI TL), celebrated the second National Tais Day on December 14, 2023, under the theme “Haburas Tais ba Ha’u Rain.”

In the framework of this Commencement, various activities were carried out, such as the Soru Tais competition for youth, Feira Tais no Artezanatu, traditional dance competition, poetry competition, and Sertame Kona-ba Tais. The objective of these activities is to increase the knowledge of all Timorese people, especially young people, about Tais. Also, the dissemination of information for the use of Tais to all people in the territory of Timor-Leste and the motivation of all Timorese to promote Tais. These activities took place during the six days, from December 9 to 13, 2023, with the maximum participation of 12 municipal Soru-nain and RAEOA, craft groups, and students.

On December 14, 2023, which was established as National Tais Day, the PKI National Committee began with the National Tais Workshop to discuss the existence and history of Tais, the development of Tais, and the role of civil society in the preservation and promotion of Tais. On the same occasion, members of the KOMNAS PKI TL also held a talk show on the progress of the implementation of the urgent safeguard for Tais.

In the afternoon, a march is held at Tais from the Presidential Palace to the Dili Convention Center. March directly participates with the Excellency Minister of Commerce and Industry, Mr. Nino Pereira, and the Excellency Secretary of State for Arts and Culture, Mr. Jorge Soares Cristóvão, including the soru na’in, students, residents, cultural groups, and community in Dili.

The celebration was closed with a cultural presentation, the launch of the Tais book from the municipalities of Viquque, Manatuto, and Ainaro, the award to the winner, and a and a music concert at the Centro Convenções de Dili (CCD).


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