Based on Ministerial Decree No. 17/GM-ME/IX/2023, the Ministry of Education appoints Mr. Luís de Fátima Soares as Executive Secretary of the Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO for a period of 4 years. Immediately held the first meeting with all TLNCU employees in the TLNCU meeting room in Bairro-Pite Dili.

In this first meeting, all TLNCU employees congratulated the new Executive Secretary on his new position and asked the appointed Executive Secretary to continue working with the Ministry of Education and development partners in the future. In the same place, the appointed Executive Secretary asked the Program Coordinator and all staff to review the final activity plan in the fourth quarter to be implemented in the near future in the last three months of 2023 and asked to review the activities that have been implemented during this time.

In this first meeting, the appointed Executive Secretary asked all employees to serve and work together according to the mission and vision of CN-UNESCO to contribute to a mission to serve education, science, culture, and communication better.


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