Dili 28 October 2023 Executive Secretary TLNCU Mr. Luís Nivio de Fátima Soares and TLNCU Program Coordinator held an audience with H.E. Minister of Education Dra. Dulce de Jesus Soares in the VIP Meeting Room of the Ministry of Education.

In this hearing, the Executive Secretary reported that in the ninth constitutional government, the Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO (TLNCU) was under the tutelage of the Ministry of Education, and in the previous government, TLNCU was under the tutelage of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Culture. So that the TLNCU Team presents its program and activity to S.E. Minister of Education.

The plan and activity presented by TLNCU are related to the activities of TLNCU in four areas, such as education, science, culture, and information communication. Which has been working together with INFORDEPE to conduct training for teachers in the area of science and mathematics and establish nine laboratories, including training on how to use equipment in the laboratory that has been established. In addition, TLNCU also has educational activities such as established SKA-Ten Community Learning Centers in eight municipalities with its activities such as life skills and literacy. There are also other programs in TLNCU such as Culture and Information Communication that focus on the TAIS Project, Research Uma lulik, and Memoria do Mundu. Through Program 4, today the Executive Secretary of TLNCU and the Program Coordinator held an audience and presented a brief report to the S.E. Minister of Education.

Participating in this hearing were the H.E. Minister of Education, Executive Secretary TLNCU, Program Coordinator 4, and Advisors in the Ministry of Education.


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