The Secretary of State for Arts and Culture (SEAK), through the services of the Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO (TLNCU), and the cultural team developed resources to launch a history book on oral tradition for the preservation of the ISNI language. The publication of this book is to transmit the local history of the origin of the ISNI language to the new generation, as can be seen through this book.

ISNI language currently in 2 villages is spoken using conversation and communicate with each other. 2 villages are the villages of Foholau and Orana, and the total population that will use ISNI language to converse together is forty-six households and population 1313 calculated according to the data available. ISNI language since the time of Portuguese already exists, and in the Touriscai sub-district Foholau and Orana is also a large kingdom in the middle of the earth. The ISNI language is very famous at this time. For the time of change, the ISNI language has begun to decrease the threat of disappearing. Many people do not use the conversation with the ISNI language. Some factors, such as women and men marrying people in other countries, impact no longer speaking the language, the community lives mixed, and there will be other factors others need to be preserved by producing a book on the history of the ISNI language.

The objective of publishing this book is to preserve the ISNI language, which is under great threat of extinction. Publishing this book is very important for new generations in the future who will read books in ISNI language and will know ISNI language and language will disappear in the future.

This activity was held in the administrative post of Turiscai, Manufahi municipality, with the maximum participation of the Executive Secretary (TLNCU), Deputy Administrator of Turiscai, post-police commander, local authorities, community, and elderly or traditional leaders.


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