Manatutu, November 29, 2023. Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO (TLNCU) Science Division (Sentru Estudu Siénsia no Matemátika-SESIM) organizes the annual World Science and Mathematics Day event to promote science and mathematics to students and teachers from pre-secondary, secondary, and higher education. World Science and Mathematics Day is celebrated on November 10 every year.

TLNCU/SESIM has organized this event from 2014 to 2022 with the maximum support of ConocoPhillips, and from 2020 to 2023, it received support from the company Santos and the UNESCO office in Jakarta. The successful team has organized events to celebrate World Science and Mathematics Day from 2015 to 2019 through camp activities in municipalities such as Aileu, Baucau, Ermera, and Manufahi, which were attended by students from pre-secondary school to higher education. After the last three years celebrated only in Dili municipality due to the COVID pandemic in 2020, 2021, and 2022 after COVID, this year was able to celebrate World Science and Mathematics Day in Manatutu municipality at ESGP Kayrala.

Representative Santos Country Manager Sr. Elizabet Gomes said Santos is very happy to be able to participate again in the celebration of World Science and Mathematics Day for 2023 today, which completes 10 years. Santos became the main sponsor of this event. The mineral resources that Santos helped develop in Timor-Leste through the Bayu-Undan project are an important resource for this country, so we believe that human resources are the most important resource. As education, especially science and mathematics are an important resource for this country, so we believe that human resources are the most important resource. As education, especially science and mathematics, is a very important pillar for Santos, including human resource development in Timor-Leste in the education sector, we feel very proud to be associated with this important and very significant program as one that benefits students from pre-secondary education to higher education throughout the country. Congratulations to all the school groups that were excluded as winners to participate in this event. We hope that you will continue to use the knowledge and skills you have learned to benefit others. We thank the Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO (TLNCU) for the productive partnership we have established to date.

This activity was attended by municipalities such as Bobonaro, Dili, Lautem, and Viqueque, with a total of approximately 160 students and teachers. The participants who marked the press are the winning group who managed to participate in the competition to write science and mathematics topics composed of students of basic education cycle 3, secondary, and universities. This commemoration is where students can come together to learn and share knowledge about science and mathematics for two days.

The purpose of this event is to promote science and mathematics to students as a very important area to learn in the future and an opportunity for students from pre-secondary, secondary, teachers, and universities to learn and develop practical activities in the area of science and mathematics and share their knowledge with others.

Participated by President Infordepe, Vice President Infordepe, Executive Secretary (TLNCU), representative Ministry of Education Director Curriculum, UNESCO antena office, representative country manager Santos, representative administrator Manatutu, students, and teachers.

This year, the commemoration of World Science and Mathematics Day will be held at Kayrala General Secondary School, Manatutu municipality, from November 27–30, 2023, and will receive maximum support from SANTOS Company.


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