Training on Strengthening Environmental Care Activities Related to Education for Sustainable Development for Teachers from ASPnet School Timor-Leste.

The Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO (TLNCU) from the Education Division conducted training for directors and teachers who entered ASPnet schools (TLNCU) for the UNESCO program. The training was held for two days at the salaun, Madre Kuluhun Dili, and the participants came from the municipalities of Aileu, Ermera, and Liqueça. This training talked about […]

Verification of Memory of the World Data and Conducting Seminar to Promote and Safeguard Documentary World Heritage in village Liurai, Aileu Municipality

Aileu village Liurai Team Communication and Information Division of the Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO (TLNCU) verified the data of antiquities to register in the Memory of the World to promote and safeguard documentary world heritage. These data have already been collected by the technical team, who worked hard in the field to collect these […]