The Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Culture (MESSK), through the service of the Timor-Leste National Commission for UNESCO (TLNCU) from the cultural resource development team (TLNCU), collected data on the history of the Matlan language in Ulmera.

The history of the Matlan language comes from the ancient times when Ulmera spoke the Matlan language, but until today there is a great threat to the language because it is beginning to decrease and to disappear. The community does not use the Matlan language the Matlan language to communicate with each other, so it is very important to publish books in Matlan so that the new generation can safeguard the Matlan language and know the Matlan language so that the language does not disappear in the future. This launching activity distributed 10 books to local authorities and community speakers as a symbol that has published the history book of Matlan language and, in the near future, will distribute the history book of Matlan language to all communities in Ulmera sub-district, Liqueça municipality.

Participate in this activity: Interim Executive Secretariat (TLNCU), head of cabinet of the Secretariat of State for Arts and Culture (SEAC), Liqueça police squad, local authorities, chief village, elderly or traditional leaders, and communities.

The objective of publishing the history book of the Matlan language is to preserve the Matlan language, which is under great threat of extinction, so publishing this book is very important for the new generation in the future who will read books in the Matlan language, will know the language, and the language will disappear in the future.


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